Your Religion

From season 2, episode 8 of “You and God’s Word” at Libsyn or Journey to Future Events

We are going to hit a very serious topic in this episode—and it involves you and your religion.  My question to you is this—is your religion faith based, works based, or don’t you care?  Please don’t be in the category that you don’t care—that is not good!

There are twelve major organized religions in the world along with a large number of subgroups.  I will not name them here but I would guess you can name most of the twelve.  May I tell you right up front there is only one religion that is faith based—all the rest are works based.

Let’s discuss some of the issues with works based religions:

  1. teaches one to earn their way to God.
  2. have system of rules to appease their god.
  3. will not save you.
  4. leaders are dead and still in the grave.
  5. provides no assurance of salvation.
  6. you cannot, on your own, achieve salvation, gain heaven, or attain a good and perfect life here on earth.

What is the one and only faith based religion in the world?  It is Christianity.  A Christian is one who is a Christ follower; one who has truly accepted Jesus as Lord and Savior; and one who attempts to live a Christian life daily by the power of the Holy Spirit.

Christianity is:

  1. based on the Bible and the Bible is the sole arbiter of matters pertaining to Christianity.
  2. a religion but as believers we treat it as a relationship.
  3. the only religion in the world where you are justified by grace through faith in Christ alone. Ephesians 2:8-9 “for it is by grace you have been saved, through faith—and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God—not by works, so that no one can boast.”
  4. the only religion where the offer and the burden for accomplishing salvation rests solely with God.
  5. a salvation offered because of love and received because of faith.
  6. based on an empty tomb. Jesus rose from the dead and lives in Heaven today.  But He is coming back to earth soon!

If you are involved with a works-based religion, I hope you have an interest and will take time to dig into what the Bible presents.  Please study for yourself.  And of eternal value accept Jesus as your Lord and Savior.


Self-funded and not associated with any church or religious organization