Discover the Path to a Deeper Faith

Embark on Your Journey to know Jesus

Below are some steps to help you on a transformative journey of faith and uncover the profound relationship with Jesus that awaits you.

Why Take the Next Step?

Embarking on the next steps in your spiritual journey is crucial for deepening your faith and understanding of God. This journey not only enriches your personal relationship with Him but also empowers you to live a life filled with purpose and meaning. By taking these steps, you open yourself to a transformative experience that can guide you through life’s challenges and joys, fostering a deeper connection with your faith and community.

Man thinking

Your Path to Discovering Jesus

Begin your spiritual journey with these essential steps.

World events are converging and quickly. Here are some steps on how you can have a personal relationship with God. Start here to watch our ongoing video series

I want you to be one of a very few who enter heaven.  You can have that blessed hope of spending eternity in heaven.  I want you to know Jesus personally by placing your faith in Him.

If God is knocking at your door, be ready, open the door and let Him in.  You can do this by praying the sinner’s prayer.  God will not force you to accept Jesus as Savior—you must decide.  I Timothy 1:12

Sinners Prayer. “God I admit I am a sinner and ask for forgiveness of my sins.  I want to ask your son, Jesus, to come into my life and be my Lord and Savior”. Read Romans 10:9-10

Faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the Word of God.  Romans 10:17  Faith requires three things:  conviction, trust in God, and obedience.

Regeneration is the renewing of the heart and mind and being born again which means “born from above.”

Next step is to begin a life dedicated to Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior.  Start your journey of becoming more Christ-like.  It is not easy—it takes a lot of hard work.

Please find a Bible believing church in your area and consider being baptized as an act of obedience and to let people know of your commitment. See Bible believing Church checklist.


God’s plan is for all to be saved—to know God personally through His Son, Jesus.

Do you know Him personally?  Only you can make that decision—I cannot help you!

The problem is that mankind is born into sin—therefore you do not seek after God or search for Him.  But God seeks out those He has chosen—and that is through the working of the Holy Spirit.

God has provided you with a free will—you must decide—a “yes” or “no” to Jesus.

If you feel God is nudging you in some way—through a friend or family member, something you heard or saw on the internet or television, after an accident or you were told you have cancer, or you remember that you were given a Bible when you were a child—open the door to God.

Put your faith in Jesus and gain eternal life.  The Holy Spirit will indwell you.  Romans 10:9-10 states “If you declare with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord”, and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.  For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you profess your faith and are saved”.

Pray to God “God I admit I am a sinner and ask for forgiveness of my sins.  I want to ask your son, Jesus, to come into my life and be my Lord and Savior”.  Begin your life of becoming more Christ-like.

When you make that decision the angels in Heaven rejoice with you.  You now have eternal life while on this earth and then will live with God for eternity in Heaven.

Let us know if you make a decision for Christ.


Self-funded and not associated with any church or religious organization