How to find a Bible believing, Bible teaching Church


First, do a search for yourself in your area.  One option is to go to and enter your zip code plus “Bible church” or “Community church”.  A list of churches in that area will be provided.  Click on a church name to find out more information.  If the church has a website (most do) then check out the “what we believe” or “about us” pages.  There are so many churches out there and so many denominations with different doctrines bring taught that
here are some helpful guidelines to look for so that you are looking at a true Bible believing and Bible teaching church.

Four signs that indicate you are on the right track in your search:


  1. The Bible is preached faithfully week after week.
  2. Jesus is at the center of worship.
  3. Priorities in the church include fellowship, community and discipleship.
  4. There is an active effort to share the Gospel with missions and evangelism.

Check list for a Bible believing Church

Does the Church believe;

God exists as three persons: God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Spirit

That Jesus Christ is true God and true man

That Jesus Christ was born of the Virgin Mary by the action of the Holy Spirit

Man was created in the image of God, but fell into sin and requires a Savior

The shed blood of Jesus Christ provides the only means of salvation


Does the church provide;

For water baptism and observing the Lord’s supper

Discipleship programs

Evangelism programs


And don’t forget to ask for a doctrinal statement or statement of faith



Self-funded and not associated with any church or religious organization