If we are focused on ourselves because of our insecurities and false pride, and we need to feel better about who we are, we’ve lost the reason for living that God has planned for us. God created us to know Him better because He loves us so much. He loves who and what He created us to be. When we say that we don’t like who we are, we’re insulting God! Getting to know God better will change us to be more like Him.

God says that He wants us to live our lives for Him. He wants us to get to know Him more and more by reading His Word, the Bible, studying and obeying it and praying to Him. He also wants us to fellowship with other true believers who have received forgiveness for their sin penalties by believing by faith in what Jesus did for them when He shed His blood and died on the cross and then rose again, which gives them forgiveness and eternal life.

God also wants us to serve Him with our lives. He wants us to tell others about Jesus and His salvation, serve in God’s true church that is based solely on the Bible and not on idols or ideas that have been thought up and instituted by man. Only what God says in the Bible is Truth.

He also wants us to be Jesus to others by helping the poor, needy and those hurting physically, emotionally and spiritually – whatever God wants us to do for them and Him.

If that is God’s will for true believers in Jesus, then what should we be focused on in life? Not ourselves!

If you are not focusing on God, then go to Him now and confess and repent of your sins against Him and start living God’s purpose for you.

If you don’t yet know Jesus as your Savior, confess and repent of your sins and put your FAITH in what He did for you on the cross and His resurrection from the dead, right now. Then your true purpose begins!


“We weren’t meant to BE somebody – we were meant to KNOW Somebody.”

John Piper

Christian Theologian, Pastor, Speaker and Author

By Sharon Borror

For more articles from Sharon Borror see her blog at https://sharborr.blog/


If we are focused on ourselves because of our insecurities and false pride, and we need to feel better about who we are, we’ve lost the reason for living that God has planned for us. God created us to know Him better because He loves us so much. He loves who and what He created us to be. When we say that we don’t like who we are, we’re insulting God! Getting to know God better will change us to be more like Him.

God says that He wants us to live our lives for Him. He wants us to get to know Him more and more by reading His Word, the Bible, studying and obeying it and praying to Him. He also wants us to fellowship with other true believers who have received forgiveness for their sin penalties by believing by faith in what Jesus did for them when He shed His blood and died on the cross and then rose again, which gives them forgiveness and eternal life.

God also wants us to serve Him with our lives. He wants us to tell others about Jesus and His salvation, serve in God’s true church that is based solely on the Bible and not on idols or ideas that have been thought up and instituted by man. Only what God says in the Bible is Truth.

He also wants us to be Jesus to others by helping the poor, needy and those hurting physically, emotionally and spiritually – whatever God wants us to do for them and Him.

If that is God’s will for true believers in Jesus, then what should we be focused on in life? Not ourselves!

If you are not focusing on God, then go to Him now and confess and repent of your sins against Him and start living God’s purpose for you.

If you don’t yet know Jesus as your Savior, confess and repent of your sins and put your FAITH in what He did for you on the cross and His resurrection from the dead, right now. Then your true purpose begins!


“We weren’t meant to BE somebody – we were meant to KNOW Somebody.”

John Piper

Christian Theologian, Pastor, Speaker and Author

By Sharon Borror

For more articles from Sharon Borror see her blog at https://sharborr.blog/



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