Sin / Forgiveness:

Have you ever given these two words 5 minutes of thought? What do they mean, how do they affect me, do I take these words seriously? Every man, woman, and child has committed sin every day of their life. Whether it be by thought, word, or deed we have sinned. Do you think these same people give thought and seek forgiveness for their actions? What is sin, quite simply ‘ungodly acts’. Sin is easy, it’s secretly, no one will know. What is forgiveness, confession - remorse - restoration - renewal....


The title is a quote from Pastor David Groves in Wisconsin. When he retired from being the Chief of Police in a town in Wisconsin, as a believer in Jesus, he knew God must have something else for him to do. David and his wife prayed and thought seriously about Proverbs 16:9, “The heart of a man plans his way, but the Lord establishes his steps.” He wondered if all the skills he had learned as he administered the police department such as good management, strategic planning, leadership and...

Trust in God…

by Guest Author LRL Are you aware the words ‘In God We Trust’ are etched on the entrance of the Supreme Court building in Washington, DC?  I’m sure you are aware that all U.S. currency has ‘In God We Trust’ printed on each bill. But did you know that all 50 states have those words written in each of their respective constitutions! Our founding fathers obviously realized the importance of these words in forming the frame work for one nation under God.Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and...


The strength of God’s love is difficult to explain. God’s love for us comes from the fact that God IS love. That is His nature. Even though God is also righteous and requires judgment for our sins, because of His innate love for all of His creation, He had to provide a way for the penalties of our sins to be paid for, so He could make us once again, righteous before Him. The only “way” that would satisfy His righteousness and judgment was if He, Himself, paid for the penalties of our sins. The...


Who makes the decisions about your life? Do you, or do you ask God what His Will is for you? Such as: -- Your daily schedule including activities you desire -- Your living location, present or future -- The friends you choose The Book of James, chapter 4, verses 13-17 in the New Testament, talks about this. It says: “13Now listen, you who say, “Today or tomorrow we will go to this or that city, spend a year there, carry on business and make money.” 14Why, you do not even know what will happen...


By Sharon Borror If we are focused on ourselves because of our insecurities and false pride, and we need to feel better about who we are, we’ve lost the reason for living that God has planned for us. God created us to know Him better because He loves us so much. He loves who and what He created us to be. When we say that we don’t like who we are, we’re insulting God! Getting to know God better will change us to be more like Him. God says that He wants us to live our lives for Him. He wants us...


By Sharon Borror When Jesus was on earth, He preached the message of repentance. It is the first demand of the Gospel. When the Holy Spirit draws an individual to God, the person recognizes his sin and accepts Christ as Savior and the Holy Spirit causes the spiritual rebirth of the soul. That’s called Regeneration. If there is no repentance, there is no regeneration or salvation. What does repentance mean? It means to turn from sin, to change your direction and seek a new way of life....


I am sure you have heard of the Godhead, also called the Trinity—God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. You will see that the Holy Spirit is fully God and the power of the Holy Spirit is the power of God. All three members of the Trinity are co-existent, co-eternal, and co-equal. We are going to focus on the greatest gift from God, the presence of the Holy Spirit. See at Amazon


By Sharon Borror These are Truths that I received from the Bible through a godly teacher of the Word. Our sin affects others to sin.-- Philippians 2:4-6 says, “Let each of you look not only to his own interests, but also to the interests of others. 5Have this mind among yourselves, which is yours in Christ Jesus.” We all need to have a humble attitude of repentance for our sins to be able to put our faith in what Jesus did for us on the cross by shedding His blood and dying for our sins and...

How Jesus started the Christian Church

This story is about how Jesus utilized the apostles to lay the foundation for the Christian church but, first, you need to understand the difference between a disciple and an apostle. First, Disciples vs Apostles Disciples are generally understood to be students or learners who follow a teacher to learn from their teachings and practices. In the context of the New Testament, disciples of Jesus were those who followed him during his earthly ministry, listening to his teachings, witnessing his...